Several Vaccinations this week

This week Crystal and I received our first COVID-19 booster shot. We could have gotten it back in August but decided to wait until it had been six months since our initial dose. It ended up taking longer than that because we were vaccinated by the Military, not the Ministry of Health, and had some…

COVID-19: Second Dose

I’d been holding out for our vaccination cards but as they’ve been delayed I thought I’d go ahead and share the good news. The day before Catherine’s 4th birthday we went for our second dose of COVID-19 vaccine at a local primary school. It was a much faster process than the first dose, which involved…

COVID-19: First Dose

As of last Friday, all of MCC Phnom Penh’s personnel have at least received their first vaccine dose. More than half of national staff have received their second dose. We have two staff in the countryside who are not yet vaccinated but that’s due to preexisting medical conditions. Crystal and I were in the last…

COVID-19: Full Lockdown

By many metrics, Cambodia is still doing well during the pandemic but the situation is much worse than it was just two months ago. On Friday, we saw our highest increase of cases with almost 700 people diagnosed followed by almost 500 people on Saturday and another 300 people yesterday. These are not high numbers…