Thanksgiving 2024

We had a wonderful time hosting American Thanksgiving here in Phnom Penh. It was a time of good food, fellowship, and discussion. Altogether our guests represented ten nationalities. We invited the SALT and YAMEN participants. Our service workers. Friends of ours and friends of MCC. And some of the Cambodians on our team. After meal…

How did indigenous land become Mennonite land

On Thanksgiving this year Anabaptist Perspectives published an interview with historian John Ruth exploring the historical backdrop of the land that many Anabaptists settled in Pennsylvania. How did this affect the indigenous population that lived in this region? How were Mennonites culpable in the appropriation of native lands? In 2021, John L Ruth wrote a…

Preparing to host another International Thanksgiving

I learned a decade ago that in order for me to enjoy any part of guests coming to dinner, I needed to prep. This is more true of holiday meals than any other event.  There is always a bit more to do the day of and to be present with people, I need to have…

Thanksgiving 2020

We celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday after Black Friday this year. It was a small gathering of MCC Cambodia expatriates. This included our services workers – Rory, Marcia, and Clivia – as well as our SALTers – Isabelle and Andy. We also invited Max Ediger a long time MCC alumni now living in Phnom Penh…

First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is not a holiday in Cambodia. We decided to wait and celebrate on Sunday so that the SALT participant in the province, Anneliese, could join. Despite spending most of Saturday at Visal’s Wedding Crystal still pulled together an authentic tasting Thanksgiving meal. We ended up with a full house – 16 people – for…