Goel Community

One of our SALT participants this year is living with a member of Goel Community in Phnom Penh. Goel Community is a fair trade artisan’s association that specializes in handwoven, naturally-dyed textile fabrics. Last week Goel Community hosted their annual Christmas Fair and it reminded me a little of Gift Festival at Fairfield Mennonite. So…

Introducing the 2024-2025 YAMEN/SALT participants

YAMEN (Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network) and SALT (Serving And Learning Together) are 11-month-long immersive cross-cultural experiences for young Christians that build up the global church. Participants travel from their passport country to a new context where they live with a local host family, attend a local church, and volunteer at a local church or…

MCC U.S. Board Learning Tour 2023

In June 2023, the MCC U.S. Board of Directors spent eight days in Cambodia for a Learning Tour. There were 26 visitors in all, including Board members and MCC staff. We were quite a crowd when the MCC Cambodia team met up with them. On Sunday morning, the Learning Tour split up into two groups…

2023 YAMEN/IVEP Alumni Gathering

Every year (when there aren’t COVID-19 gathering restrictions) we host the Cambodian YAMEN and IVEP alumni at our home. This also includes the current SALT and YAMEN participants serving in Cambodia, as well as the outbound Cambodian IVEP/YAMEN participants who will be leaving in July. This isn’t just a social gathering – though it’s wonderful…

Visiting Isaac’s Host Family in Mesang

Last month during our team visit to Prey Veng province we visited Isaac, our SALT participant, who is living with a Khmer host family there and working at ODOV. Isaac is a recent graduate in Environmental Science from Eastern Mennonite University and is supporting ODOV as the Climate Resilience Assistant. Isaac’s host family in Mesang…

2022 YAMEN and SALT Class

A few days after Disha departed for India, we welcomed our new class of YAMEN and SALT participants. This year we have our largest class since prior to the pandemic, with six participants from Kenya, India, Zambia, Tanzania, and the United States. These young professionals will spend the next year living with Khmer host families…

2021 Traditional Khmer Photoshoot

It’s becoming a tradition for us to join the ‘GSL’ team for a photoshoot in traditional Khmer clothing. GSL stands for Global Service Learning; it’s the department that our YAMEN and SALT exchange program fits under. Simeon Ndagijimana (YAMEN participant from Rwanda), Clivia Avila (Connecting Peoples Coordinator from Honduras), and Andrew Neufeld (SALT participant from…

Thanksgiving 2020

We celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday after Black Friday this year. It was a small gathering of MCC Cambodia expatriates. This included our services workers – Rory, Marcia, and Clivia – as well as our SALTers – Isabelle and Andy. We also invited Max Ediger a long time MCC alumni now living in Phnom Penh…

Summer 2020 General Update

I wanted to give you all a quick update before getting into more specific details. YAMEN Departures: In my last post I shared that Moudy, our volunteer from Indonesia, made it home safely. Last week Jonathan and Victor, our volunteers from Kenya, made it home safely. There were a lot of COVID-19 challenges to navigate…

Documentation Center of Cambodia

Last Thursday I visited the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) with Annaliese. She’s a SALT participant working with long term MCC partner Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the Cambodia Peace Gallery in Battambang. She scheduled the meeting with DC-Cam’s Information Technology Coordinator, Morm Sophat, to ask DC-Cam for recommendations on archival databases, how…