Seek – International Women’s Day 2024

We had the Seek cohort over for International Women’s Day last Friday. It’s a national holiday in Cambodia and the MCC office was closed, as where many businesses. We started off with a hymn sing in the living room while Greta played the piano for us. The schools were not closed for International Women’s Days…

Deities, Divinities, and Spirits of Cambodia

While many ‘Westerners’ know the fact that Cambodia is polytheistic, rather than monotheistic, they rarely understand the broader implications of this when it comes to fundamental differences between their own worldview and the Cambodian worldview. In terms of spiritual belief and practice Cambodia is far removed from countries that are majority Christian, Muslim, or secular…

Stupas and Graves

The Khmer Buddhists who make up the vast majority of Cambodians generally cremate their dead and then inter them in stupas at local pagodas. Some keep the ashes in their homes or spread them at a significant spot, but most inter them in stupas. The most elaborate stupas are reserved for relics or royalty, such…

Karma, skin tone, and gender.

In Cambodia, lighter skin tones are traditionally associated with fortune, virtue, superiority, and good luck. These associations have a spiritual component due to how Buddhist beliefs around karma are interpreted locally. Skin tone – along with other traits such as class, health, and gender – are believed to have been determined by the individual’s accumulation…

How many Christians are in Cambodia?

As part of their horrific year zero policies the Khmer Rouge regime banned all religious practice in Cambodia and persecuted the local Christian Church almost to extinction. Buddhist institutions were allowed to reform soon after the regime was driven from power but Christianity remained illegal throughout the 1980s and the few Cambodian Christian believers who…