MCC U.S. Board Learning Tour 2023

In June 2023, the MCC U.S. Board of Directors spent eight days in Cambodia for a Learning Tour. There were 26 visitors in all, including Board members and MCC staff. We were quite a crowd when the MCC Cambodia team met up with them. On Sunday morning, the Learning Tour split up into two groups…

Worship Guides from MCC Peace and Justice Ministries

I wanted to share two new worship guides from MCC U.S. National Peace and Justice Ministries. These are intended for fall church services or personal/family prayer time. Each contains prayers, song suggestions, Bible readings, and informative reflections. Climate Action for Peace: International Day of PeaceThis year, MCC’s Peace Sunday packet centers on the theme of Climate Action…

Chan Trea’s Class on Anger Management

I wanted to share a story of change from our Peaceful Education project. This story came specifically out of the Peace Club pilot and was collected by our MER Coordinator, Mr. Mok. A white shirt with a blue skirt or blue trousers is the sight of six grade students who attend Svay Chor Primary school…

Clay Pots

One of the peacebuilding exercises that we’ve seen Women Peace Makers (WPM) and Peace Bridges Organization (PBO) use here in Cambodia is to split the training participants up into small groups with the assignment to work together to paint a clay pot with their vision of the future that they want for their communities. This…

Three New Service Worker Positions with MCC Cambodia

It seems hard to believe but our Peace Coordinators, Rory and Marcia, have 10 months left in their term of service with MCC. It seems like only yesterday that we were praying desperately for their safe arrival after their flights were delayed because a plane collided with theirs while taxing on the runway in Philadelphia…

Two stories about gunmen in today’s news

Today there are two stories about gunmen in the Phnom Penh newspapers. The local story is about a ‘Phantom Gunman’ who – twice this week – has driven through different neighborhoods at night and fired 3 to 4 shots into the air before driving off. The other story is the horrific and tragically familiar school…

Myanmar: Give the LORD no rest

The situation in Myanmar is getting worse. Now the power cuts are extreme and people are surviving without electricity most of the time, setting alarms for when the electricity comes on so they can quickly cook their food and charge their phones. Food and basic commodities are more expensive. And Omicron is blazing through the…

Prayer for Peace, from Cambodia to Ukraine

Monika, from Cambodia, served in Ukraine with MCC’s YAMEN program from 2019 to 2020. I shared some of her social media posts in an earlier post and I wanted to follow-up by sharing her prayer for peace. The Lord of peace, the Lord of love, I kneel here, crying and pleading, waiting for the miracles…

Ukraine and Colonialization

This week, I’ve been thinking back to a conversation I had during our MCC orientation in 2019. This occurred during a session on colonialism. The facilitator split the participants into two groups based on their skintone – people of color were to discuss the legacy of being colonized and white people were to discuss the…

War, Peace, and YAMEN.

A joint initiative of Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite World Conference, the Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) is a year-long Christian service opportunity for young adults from outside the U.S. and Canada. This cross cultural exchange sends young adults between developing countries, where they live with a local host family, attend a local church,…