I wanted to share two new worship guides from MCC U.S. National Peace and Justice Ministries. These are intended for fall church services or personal/family prayer time. Each contains prayers, song suggestions, Bible readings, and informative reflections. Climate Action for Peace: International Day of PeaceThis year, MCC’s Peace Sunday packet centers on the theme of Climate Action…
Tag: MCC
Article: In Memory of American Grandpa
I recently shared a news article from Dhaka about Art Defehr’s early work with MCC Bangladesh and thought that I’d share another one. I don’t plan to do this too often so don’t worry that this will become an article blog. Currently, MCC Asia and MCC Europe are launching initiatives to strengthen our connection with…
Article: Art DeFehr, The man who transformed Bangladesh’s agriculture in its early years
One of MCC Bangladesh’s national staff, Arefur Rahaman, shared this article from The Business Standard newspaper out of Dhaka about Art DeFehr and the early work of MCC Bangladesh. I’d heard many people talk about Art DeFehr before but this was the first time that I’d seen his work in Bangladesh outlined so comprehensively in…
New Service Workers
Back in September of last year, I shared that we were recruiting for three new service workers to join the MCC Cambodia team. I’m glad to announce that all three arrived safely and without incident in Cambodia on May 19th. We had a service worker back out after accepting last year so we waited to…
Maternity Leave and Orientation
Orienting new international workers is my favorite part of our role as Reps. Yes, its very busy with many trainings and logistics, but the energy they bring to our team is infectious, as is the joy of the national staff when they see, again, that international people really do want to come to Cambodia. As…
5 Year Program Review Team
Ideally, every MCC country program in the world should undergo a Program Review every five years. This doesn’t always happen due to instability, conflict, or other disruptions. Cambodia was scheduled for a Program Review in 2020 but it ended up being delayed for three years due to the pandemic. The Program Review is an opportunity…
New National Staff
In October, MCC Cambodia said farewell to our PME Coordinator, Visal, and our Finance Officer, Ringsey. It would have been hard to lose either of these senior national staff, but it was especially difficult to lose both of them the same month so soon after the catastrophic medical emergency on the team. I mentioned them…
2023 YAMEN/IVEP Alumni Gathering
Every year (when there aren’t COVID-19 gathering restrictions) we host the Cambodian YAMEN and IVEP alumni at our home. This also includes the current SALT and YAMEN participants serving in Cambodia, as well as the outbound Cambodian IVEP/YAMEN participants who will be leaving in July. This isn’t just a social gathering – though it’s wonderful…
Visiting Sros’ Farm Two Months Apart
In November 2022, I visited Ros Sros on a remote island upstream on the Mekong river in Kratie province. Sros is a poor farmer who lives in Damrae village who is following the climate resilient agricultural techniques she learned from MCC’s partner Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT). She has five children and also supports her…
Three Sisters on an island in Kratie province
In November 2022, I visited one of the MCC/Cambodian Rural Development Team project participants on a remote island in Sambour district, Kratie province. She is a poor farmer named Sopheat. She’s part of the local vegetable producer group and village savings bank. She had started a tremendous vegetable garden and I asked her why she…