Growth, Change, and Expectations – A Year of Service in Cambodia

Garrett who joined the Seek cohort in 2024 and returned as a SALT participant for 2024-2025 recently wrote about his experiences volunteering with one of our local partners, Mission DOVE. My name is Garrett Walker and I came as an intern at YESIC/Dove in January until June 2024. I come to Cambodia from Manitoba, Canada to…

Article: New MCC staff gather from a patchwork of cultures

Last year our new International Seek Facilitator, Oscar Suárez, joined Mennonite Central Committee General Orientation in Akron, Pennsylvania. I’ve been meaning to share Oscar’s section from a MCC article about some of the people from around the world joined orientation. Please find it below and read the full article on the MCC website. Whether through…

What are we working on now?

As we come into 2025 I thought I’d write a quick overview of our main projects in Cambodia. There are also short term projects and collaborative work with peer organizations, but these are our main ongoing projects. In most countries around the world, Mennonite Central Committee works by accompanying local partners so I’ll outline our…

Pray for South Korea

Last night around 10:30PM the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, declared martial law. This decree prohibited any political activities including the National Assembly, and suspended freedom of the press along with many other citizen rights. The South Korean military mobilized, with military vehicles in the street and nearly three hundred soldiers entering the…

Peace Clubs, Signing Agreements, and a Ministry of Presence

In March, MCC signed an agreement with the Prey Veng Department of Education to facilitate Peace Clubs during Primary School Life Skills classes and train Primary School Teachers on the operation of Peace Clubs. This agreement includes a sustainability plan with the Primary Schools gradually taking on more responsibility for the Peace Clubs and eventually…

Seek – Ramy’s Life Story and Testimony

Yesterday afternoon Ming Ramy shared her powerful testimony with the 2024 Seek cohort. I wanted to share my summary of her testimony with you. This is based on my notes from listening in Khmer so I know I got a few details wrong – it’s often hard to know which ‘bong’ is being referenced in…

MCC Mistaken Identity

Acronyms are helpful for simplifying a name but they can lead to confusion. Last year, while we were in Nepal, I kept on coming across a message spraypainted along the streets, “No MCC. Go Back America.” I teased the MCC Representatives to Nepal about this – already knowing that it wasn’t our MCC – and…

Intersections: Disability, safeguarding, and inclusion in Cambodia

I was asked to write an article on Disability, safeguarding, and inclusion in Cambodia for the Fall 2023 edition of Mennonite Central Committee’s Intersections: MCC theory and practice quarterly newsletter. I’m sharing the text of the article below. As many of you know, I worked with adults with intellectual disabilities and autism for eight years before…

Meng Srean’s Interethnic Peacebuilding Journey

Meng Srean is an alumni of local partner Women Peace Maker‘s MCC supported interethnic peacebuilding project, “An Encounter with the Other Side”. In June 2023, she had dinner with MCC US Board of Directors during a Learning Tour to Cambodia and shared about her personal peacebuilding journey. Recorded by Sabrina Gilmore, SALT participant. When MENG…

MCC U.S. Board Learning Tour 2023

In June 2023, the MCC U.S. Board of Directors spent eight days in Cambodia for a Learning Tour. There were 26 visitors in all, including Board members and MCC staff. We were quite a crowd when the MCC Cambodia team met up with them. On Sunday morning, the Learning Tour split up into two groups…