Caleb joining Mennonite Mission Network in Taiwan

No, not our little Caleb. Caleb Schrock-Hurst was the final SALT participant in Việt Nam before MCC Vietnam closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. He actually wrote the book on MCC Vietnam for the program’s 65th Anniversary. I met him when I traveled to Hanoi in January 2020 to attend an education conference and then we hosted…

Taiwan Earthquake Update from Mennonite Christian Hospital

Yesterday, a magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan killing at least 9 people and injured more than 900 people. The quake was followed by over 100 aftershocks, further damaging infrastructure and buildings as well as causing landslides. I wanted to share an update on the earthquake from the Mennonite Christian Hospital in Hualien, near the epicenter. This…

Article: In Memory of American Grandpa

I recently shared a news article from Dhaka about Art Defehr’s early work with MCC Bangladesh and thought that I’d share another one. I don’t plan to do this too often so don’t worry that this will become an article blog. Currently, MCC Asia and MCC Europe are launching initiatives to strengthen our connection with…

Mearda Maternity Clinic and Susu Birthing

In the past, MCC Cambodia parents who were expecting a new child would travel to Thailand and deliver the baby there. I hadn’t thought about it until some MCC alumni asked and we realized that Caleb is likely the first “MCC baby” to be born in Cambodia. I asked Pou Cheang and Ming Ramy, who…

Almost time for the Baby

Last night Crystal started having intense contractions – distinct from the usual braxton hicks contractions – and we thought it was time. So we quickly prepared everything, borrowed the MCC truck, and loaded up to leave. We were worried because Crystal and I still have this respiratory infection. Labor is hard enough when you can…

Baby Boy Conklin

Following a molar pregnancy miscarriage in September 2021, Charles and I have been cautious about making a major family announcement. After months of doctor visits, testing, and an absurd amount of mosquito spray (I do NOT want to get dengue), we are ready to announce that Baby Boy Conklin is scheduled to arrive in early…

Several Vaccinations this week

This week Crystal and I received our first COVID-19 booster shot. We could have gotten it back in August but decided to wait until it had been six months since our initial dose. It ended up taking longer than that because we were vaccinated by the Military, not the Ministry of Health, and had some…

COVID-19: Outline & Update

The first diagnosis of COVID-19 here came in January. Cambodia made news around the world later in February when it allowed the MS Westerdam cruise ship to come to port here after four countries turned it away. Initially, the official response to COVID-19 here was to focus on maintaining a positive relationship with China. There…


Given our proximity to China, the single confirmed case in Cambodia and the cruise ship situation, I thought it would be worth updating people on our response to the new novel coronavirus which is spreading across the world.  First, you should know that we are not worried.  Healthcare in Cambodia has improved dramatically in the…

Willard Swartley

One of the books that I brought from North America is Health, Healing and the Church’s Mission. Reading this book was the extent of my interaction with Willard Swartley. The book is a wonderful – if dense – discussion of the Christian Church’s formal role in healthcare. A role that the contemporary Church has largely…