June 2022 Flooding in Phnom Penh

While we’ve been on home leave there’s been severe flooding in areas of Phnom Penh. This has not affected our house or the MCC office, but some staff and MCC partners are in the affected areas. Our Office Manager, Doungchann, shared that the water was up to her stomach on her commute home. The most…

A new normal for flooding in Cambodia

Seasonal flooding is a feature of traditional Cambodian life. For thousands of years the rising waters of the Mekong river have brought rich silt that replenished farmland, water to irrigate rice paddies, and an abundance of fish. In a few weeks Cambodia will celebrate Water Festival, the regional holiday that celebrates the high waters of…

The flood car

In October we helped pull a car out of the flood zone. We were worried that the car wouldn’t run again but, two weeks later, we got to see it in action! It was worse for wear but able to be driven! The waters had not entirely receded by this point so it was rewarding…

Phnom Penh Flooding

Seasonal floods are a blessing in rural Cambodia. The rich silt, fish, and water they provide have sustained life here for millennium. There’s a rhythm, a consistency, to these life nurturing flood waters. This week Cambodia, especially the capital of Phnom Penh, experienced a different kind of flooding that is becoming more and more common…