The Lord is Near the Broken Hearted

I shared in an earlier post that my father was unexpectedly diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 lung cancer in December. Our family went back to see him in January and I had plans to go to see him again in March. On Sunday he was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia and on Wednesday he…

My Father has Cancer

One of my formative childhood memories is my of Father mourning his Mother, my Nana, as she was dying of cancer. I was 4 years old when she was diagnosed with lung cancer that had spread to her brain. I remember that my Father often wept for his Mother. It’s the only time I remember…

One Week of Caleb Daniel

Even when we lived in Pennsylvania we were far from most of our family. So, for Charlotte and Catherine, I did weekly Google photo albums up to 52 weeks. Then, since we already had the photos all together, I printed a photobook for the girls and the grandparents. I thought about sharing the weekly albums…

How the girls are doing

In October 2021, we had a dangerous miscarriage – a complete molar pregnancy. This is when the mother’s chromosomes are missing from the egg and the cells that would normally develop into the placenta develop into a molar growth instead. This can lead to tumors, cysts, a rare form of cancer, and necessitate a hysterectomy….

Introducing The Fifth C

This evening at 10:21 PM (Cambodia time) Caleb Daniel Conklin was born. At birth, he weighed 4 kg (8.8 lbs) and is 55 cm (21.6 in) tall. I’ll write a detailed account of the experience later. But it was short, intense, and painful labor and delivery. Crystal has some minor tearing but is doing well….

Almost time for the Baby

Last night Crystal started having intense contractions – distinct from the usual braxton hicks contractions – and we thought it was time. So we quickly prepared everything, borrowed the MCC truck, and loaded up to leave. We were worried because Crystal and I still have this respiratory infection. Labor is hard enough when you can…

Baby Shower

The MCC Cambodia team surprised us with a baby shower this afternoon. It was really lovely of them. It’s hard to be far away from parents, grandparents, and siblings as the due date draws near. Even though we’re well prepared. It’s still hard. So it was nice to feel love and support from our MCC…

Baby Boy Conklin

Following a molar pregnancy miscarriage in September 2021, Charles and I have been cautious about making a major family announcement. After months of doctor visits, testing, and an absurd amount of mosquito spray (I do NOT want to get dengue), we are ready to announce that Baby Boy Conklin is scheduled to arrive in early…

#27 Street 504

One year ago we were so grateful to inherit a furnished house and not have to look for a place to rent while navigating new jobs, new school, new culture, and so on. The house never quite fit us as a family but it was still a blessing. Especially during crisis times, like a factory…

Home Alone (Well Almost)

For the first time since early March our family is home alone. Well, almost, we do have one returning IVEP participant doing her mandatory two week quarantine in the downstairs bedroom. But, given that she’s in quarantine, we don’t see her except to deliver meals. It was a blessing to have a full house during…