អង្រ្គងជ្រក់ | Pickled Red Ants

Last month while we were out in Prey Veng province I picked up a container of all natural pickled red ants from a seller in Ba Phnom. It can be quite expensive to purchase these in Phnom Penh but I got a good price on them out in the countryside. These large red ants are…

Sharing Food Together

In the New Testament, we often see Jesus breaking bread to share with the disciples and others. There’s something powerful about sharing food in community. This week, Sokea from the MCC Phnom Penh office is out in Prey Veng at our field visit helping with some work and the Prey Veng team has been sending…

What are you having for Breakfast?

Yesterday, I asked the girls what they were having for breakfast. They were sharing rice and pork, a typical breakfast meal here that I’ll share a bit more about later.

គុយទាវ | Kuy Teav

Kuy Teav is a Cambodian rice noodle soup similar to but distinct from Vietnamese Phở. It’s a popular breakfast item across Southeast Asia – with local variants like Hủ Tiếu in Viet Nam, Kway Teow in Malaysia, and Kuai Tiao in Thailand. It’s usually made with pork stock. It uses different spices and rice noodles…

Cambodian Spice Pack

This morning at the local market I picked up two of what I call ‘Cambodian spice packs.’ In traditional rural life, villagers wouldn’t buy these ingredients but would have them growing in their yards. Life is a bit different in the city – though many homes still have these growing in pots – so they’re…

So delicious – ស្ងោរម្រះ

Today is the monthly potluck Sunday at Plains Mennonite Church and I’m bringing something very special. Bitter Melon stuffed with Pork. When I lived in Prey Veng I was told that Bitter Melon treats diabetes, cures cancer, and lowers cholesterol. I was surprised to discover that there’s a basis for each of these claims! Bitter…