Back to Cambodia, January 2024

We spent several weeks in the United States over the holidays so that family, friends, and church could meet Caleb. We also needed to stop by the Washington DC passport agency to renew the girls’ passports. We returned to Cambodia on a 35 hour long journey that included far too long of a layover in…

Caleb Visa Run to Bangkok 2023

In August, Caleb’s US Passport was issued and he was officially acknowledged as a US citizen. However, technically, Caleb was in Cambodia illegally because he is a foreign national without a Cambodian visa. As is in the case in many countries, Cambodian visas can only be renewed – not issued – inside the country. So…

No Longer Undocumented.

Caleb is no longer an undocumented person!  After many weeks, visits, reminders and some financial incentive, the local authority has issued his birth certificate in Khmer language and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has translated it into English! Next stop – the US Embassy for passport and Certificate of Birth Abroad.  I just submitted not only applications…

A Tuesday in May

It’s 3:30 in the morning and he’s cooing at the diaper changing table nightlight.  After babbling to it for a few minutes he bursts out in his biggest smile – the one he usually saves for when Charles is wearing glasses.  I’m not sure if its the delight of the shadows or a purely internal…

Hot Season with a Newborn

Caleb was born during an atypical hot season week, with cool breezes and 80 degree days.  In Cambodian tradition, we were actually able to dress him head to toe in cozy clothes.  This not only allowed us to sidestep the constant unsolicited advice from all Cambodians that he needs to be covered all the time,…

One Week of Caleb Daniel

Even when we lived in Pennsylvania we were far from most of our family. So, for Charlotte and Catherine, I did weekly Google photo albums up to 52 weeks. Then, since we already had the photos all together, I printed a photobook for the girls and the grandparents. I thought about sharing the weekly albums…

How the girls are doing

In October 2021, we had a dangerous miscarriage – a complete molar pregnancy. This is when the mother’s chromosomes are missing from the egg and the cells that would normally develop into the placenta develop into a molar growth instead. This can lead to tumors, cysts, a rare form of cancer, and necessitate a hysterectomy….

Introducing The Fifth C

This evening at 10:21 PM (Cambodia time) Caleb Daniel Conklin was born. At birth, he weighed 4 kg (8.8 lbs) and is 55 cm (21.6 in) tall. I’ll write a detailed account of the experience later. But it was short, intense, and painful labor and delivery. Crystal has some minor tearing but is doing well….