Crystal’s Birthday over Khmer New Year

This morning we celebrated Crystal’s Birthday during the closing day of the Khmer New Year holiday. It has been hot so we already had the pool set up for the holiday. We invited some of the team over to swim in the pool, play games, and eat cake. Crystal has been spending a lot of…

Heart of Crown & the COVID game

I think it’s probably clear by now that we love playing games as a family. During our staycation, we got into a card game called Heart of Crown that I had brought with us when we moved here in 2019. It is very similar to Dominion, for those who have played that, but with the…

July Staycation

We had been hoping to take a vacation over schoolbreak (especially since school has been online and these girls are antsy to get out of the house). I wanted to go back to Angkor Wat while we could visit without hordes of tourists and the rest of the family wanted to go to the beach….

Catherine wins Catan

Catherine is starting to legitimately win when playing board games. And she loves it. (So do I.) The first game that she surprised us by winning without any outside aid or anyone holding back was Ticket to Ride First Journey. But she’s now graduated to winning Settlers of Catan. On a sidenote: we’ve been thinking…

The Year in Board Games

Our family loves playing board games! We especially enjoy cooperative ones like Pandemic or The Fairy Game, though this year we didn’t play any pandemic. We had enough pandemic in real life. As we looked back over our photos from the last year I thought that I’d share some of the board games we’ve played….