2022 YAMEN and SALT Class

A few days after Disha departed for India, we welcomed our new class of YAMEN and SALT participants. This year we have our largest class since prior to the pandemic, with six participants from Kenya, India, Zambia, Tanzania, and the United States. These young professionals will spend the next year living with Khmer host families…

Medical Emergency Update

I wanted to provide a quick update on our YAMEN participant, Disha, who had a catastrophic stroke shortly before ending her term of service and returning home to India. Last week Disha was able to return home to India on a medical flight and has been admitted to a high quality hospital that specializes in…

Medical Emergency on the Team

This has been shared on the Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite World Conference Facebook pages, but by the time we were given permission to share publicly we were too in the thick of it to post an update here on the blog. Just days from completing her term of service and turning home to India…

Ren Reasey’s mobile phone repair shop

Mennonite Central Committee funds an apprenticeship vocational program facilitated by our long term partner ODOV. Last month I visited one graduate of the program who started a mobile phone repair shop in his home village. Our supervisors, the Area Directors, were along for the visit as they were in Cambodia for the first time since…

Sharing Food Together

In the New Testament, we often see Jesus breaking bread to share with the disciples and others. There’s something powerful about sharing food in community. This week, Sokea from the MCC Phnom Penh office is out in Prey Veng at our field visit helping with some work and the Prey Veng team has been sending…

Voltra Electric Motos

Last August I shared that MCC Cambodia was planning to purchase locally manufactured electric motos in a budget neutral by selling our old gasoline motos. The new electric are more affordable than gas motos and, additionally, being made in Cambodia do not have an import tax pushing the cost higher. So we were able to…

CCC 32nd Annual General Meeting

Yesterday I attended the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia’s 32nd annual general meeting. It was an all day event and I was able to attend in person for the first time in a long time. The CCC is Cambodia’s oldest and largest NGO networking group. MCC was a founder member of the CCC back in 1990,…

Impacts of climate change in Mondulkiri province

I wanted to share this story that was written by one of our YAMEN participants, Jacksha from Malawi, who is working with our local partner the Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT). She had a wonderful time traveling out to Mondulkiri province, which is in the northeast highlands, to meet with the farmer in the story…

Chhin Ya’s Garden and Fishpond

In rural Mesang district, Prey Veng province Mennonite Central Committee partner Organization to Develop Our Villages (ODOV) supports rural Agricultural Cooperatives across 90 villages in adapting sustainable agriculture practices, healthy food preparation, conflict resolution, gender and domestic violence prevention, and organizational capacity. In a recent interview, one farmer told ODOV about how life has changed in her…

The Soul Nourishment Show

Tune in to Family FM 99.5 at 1PM Monday through Friday to listen to the Soul Nourishment Show featuring Neema Atieno. Family FM 99.5 is a ministry of MCC partner Voice of Love Cambodia. Neema is a participant in MCC’s YAMEN exchange program from Kenya and is currently serving with Voice of Love Cambodia as…