Charlotte’s First Bible

The church I am a member of, Plains Mennonite in Hatfield, PA, has a tradition of giving every child entering first grade their first Bible, in anticipation of them learning how to read.  Charlotte missed this tradition as we came to Cambodia during kindergarten an I did not give it much thought as she continues…

Reblog: Finding My Seat at the Table

I wanted to share a blog post by Kiron Mateti that was posted by Mennonite Church USA. Kiron is a member of Plains Mennonite Church and his wife, Rachel, actually went to the same Christian school as my youngest brother Tim for awhile. I love how he writes about going from multicultural to intercultural. It’s…

Second Timothy 1:7

On Monday, the rains came and washed the dry season away. It’s a remarkable time of year here in Cambodia. Overnight, the dusty brown countryside turns vibrant green. Even here, in the city, you can feel the shift of the seasons in the air. It’s much like the cool crisp snap of Autumn in North…

The Holy Week Meditation: Jesus’ Journey to Calvary, thence to the Empty Tomb.

This reflection was written by one of the pastors we work with in Myanmar. Name and identifying details withheld for security reasons. The Holy Week, also known as the Passion Week, began on Palm Sunday, and will end on Easter Sunday. Christians all over the world commemorate in their own church’s tradition—fasting, praying, contemplating, meditating,…

Holding Grief, Holding Hope

The last weeks have been sad ones for me. I haven’t been able to talk publicly on why until now. MCC is, like the rest of the world, weathering the economic impact of COVID-19. This has forced MCC to make significant program changes. It’s important to note that MCC is celebrating its 100th anniversary this…

COVID-19: For such a time as this

What a whirlwind the last weeks have been. It feels like the world has been suddenly and fundamentally changed. The disruptions. The cancelled plans. The disappointments. The uncertain future. The distanced relationships. The livelihoods interrupted. The fear of disease. The fear of death. We don’t know what the world will look like after this. Indeed,…

Why Mennonite Central Committee?

To me, Mennonite Central Committee is more than an institution. It’s more than a collection of people. It’s more than relationships. It’s more than history. It’s more than methodology. I think of MCC as part of a movement. A movement that’s far greater than but well exemplified by MCC. At the heart of this movement…

First Monday Devotion

Crystal led team devotion this morning for MCC Cambodia. She had us build a house with Duplos without using our thumbs. Then, halfway through, she let us start using our thumbs but told us we couldn’t bend our elbows! Crystal asked us if it was harder to complete a task without using a part of…


Last week we had a meditative devotion on Matthew 5:13-16. Throughout the service the verse on “the salt of the earth” was read several times and we were asked us to reflect on “saltiness.” You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make…

Book Review: Don’t Follow Your Heart

I was searching for information on the hymn I Bind My Heart when a blog post entitled Bind My Wandering Heart to Thee by Jon Bloom came up. The article was a compelling read so I decided to pick up Jon’s most interesting sounding book – Don’t Follow Your Heart: God’s Ways Are Not Your Ways….