For a long time – maybe two years already, maybe even longer – I’ve had some sinus issues; congestion, nasal drip, occasional sore threat. It got better, then worse, then better. I thought it might be related to the root canal I had, worried I had allergies, watched the air pollution levels, and fretted that…
Category: Daily life in Cambodia
Charlotte’s Typing Practice
If I lived in Antarctica… If I lived in Antarctica, I would have special slot googles that would cover my eyes. I’d have huskies to pull the sled. The huskies would have special coats. I’d live in an igloo. For food I’d go fishing in holes in the ice. Everything I know about lizards Lizards…
អង្រ្គងជ្រក់ | Pickled Red Ants
Last month while we were out in Prey Veng province I picked up a container of all natural pickled red ants from a seller in Ba Phnom. It can be quite expensive to purchase these in Phnom Penh but I got a good price on them out in the countryside. These large red ants are…
Christmas in Cambodia 2021 & 2022
I just realized that we never shared photos from Christmas 2021. I was wondering why until I looked back on the photos and saw my face – then I remembered, that’s right I had Chikungunya. So here are some photos from then, better late than never! I haven’t been immune to health issues this holiday…
Baby Boy Conklin
Following a molar pregnancy miscarriage in September 2021, Charles and I have been cautious about making a major family announcement. After months of doctor visits, testing, and an absurd amount of mosquito spray (I do NOT want to get dengue), we are ready to announce that Baby Boy Conklin is scheduled to arrive in early…
Fungal Ear Infection
Throughout my life I’ve had trouble with ear infections. I seem to be prone to them. But my left ear has been significantly worse over the last two years. I didn’t want to visit the Doctor during the COVID lockdowns of 2021. Even though I had been vaccinated I was nervous about testing positive and…
Preparing to host another International Thanksgiving
I learned a decade ago that in order for me to enjoy any part of guests coming to dinner, I needed to prep. This is more true of holiday meals than any other event. There is always a bit more to do the day of and to be present with people, I need to have…
នំបុ័ងខគោ | Bread with Braised Beef Soup
Rice with Pork/Chicken/Fish/Egg, Rice Porridge, and Kuv Teav soup are the most popular breakfast items in Cambodia. However, there are other less common but equally delicious breakfast items like Bread with Braised Beef Soup. This delightful breakfast soup is tangy, sweet, and hearty. There are heavy flavors of anise, lemongrass, and mint grounded by a…
Flat Tire
This afternoon, I was on my way to pick Charlotte up from school and had just crossed the sewage canal when the rear wheel of the electric moto suddenly started to slide. I pulled to the side of the road and the tire was flat. After calling Crystal and asking her to get Charlotte, I…
The Giving Tree International School
Charlotte and Catherine attend The Giving Tree, a small international school in Phnom Penh that a group of expatriate* parents started as a nursery 14 years ago. The nursery grew into a school with it’s first students and now offers Nursery through to Sixth grade. What’s an Expatriate? Expatriate, often shortened to Expat, is a…