To conclude the story of Ugh Food Poisoning and Probably Not Food Poisoning… After the tests came back the Doctor concluded that I did have Dengue Fever. It has been a long recovery – lots of muscle pain, fatigue, and headaches. But, after a month, I’m finally feeling close to normal again. Dengue is a…
Category: Daily life in Cambodia
Charlotte and Victor Playing Chess
The Dengue fatigue hit me hard this evening and I’ve been up in the bedroom resting. When I came down to get some water I was surprised/delighted to see Charlotte playing Chess with Victor – one of the YAMEN participants from Kenya. I taught her how to play last year but never expected her to…
Why do so many Cambodians have diabetes?
Cambodians have surprisingly high rates of diabetes. Why? Is it because they put a lot of sugar in their coffee? This is what one expatriate told me when I mentioned that I was excited to have Cambodian coffee again. To paraphrase “Be careful, you’ll get diabetes.” I normally drink my coffee black so it’s a…
Wounds take a long time to heal here
Wounds take a long time to heal here. A scratch on the skin of my strong and healthy children used to heal within a day or two in the United States. Here, it’s at least a week, sometimes more. Perhaps it’s the air quality as thousands of cars, motos and tuk-tuks pump unregulated toxins into…
Probably not food poisoning
I’ve had food poisoning a lot in my life, as noted in my last post, so I’m familiar with the symptoms by now. This latest bout started off feeling like an extreme case of it. The nausea, fever, and vomiting lasted around 48 hours. But the diarrhea (and associated lightheadedness/weakness) has continued since. That’s way…
Ugh. Food poisoning.
I’m very susceptible to food poisoning. Even back home in the United States. It was a challenge for me last time – living in a rural province – as I had major bouts of food poisoning every two to three weeks for my first two years. I lost a significant amount of weight because of…
Olympic Market
The Olympic Market was one of the three markets that I visited the most often during my term in Cambodia from ’06 to ’09. This was entirely because this was where buses heading to and arriving from Prey Veng could be found in Phnom Penh. The buses rarely left on time so that there were…
Oh Ticks!
Over the weekend Crystal noticed that Leena had a tick between the toes of her paw. She tried to remove it but wasn’t successful. I don’t remember ticks in Prey Veng last term but, then, Prey Veng had roving bands of chickens. We looked up the name of Leena’s veterinarian and made plans to take…
Local Grocery Store
There isn’t a market in our immediate neighborhood of Phnom Penh so we need to travel some distance to a market, shop at a smaller grocery store, or visit a western style supermarket (there’s one about 15 minutes by foot from our house but…expensive!). I wanted to share some photos of the smaller grocery store…
The Cat Came Back
The big disappointment we had when we arrived two weeks ago was that Sumo the cat had disappeared 1-2 weeks before we arrived. By the time we had been here almost 2 weeks I thought there was no way that Sumo would be back but… Needless to say the girls are very happy.