Prey Veng Education Program Ten Years Later

On Day 6 in Cambodia (yesterday), I got out into the countryside on my first field visit to see Chhourn Maly at work. This visit was at the Kraing Kaet Primary School. I was the initial Partner Adviser for the education program in Prey Veng during my first term with MCC and it’s exciting to…

Along the Sewage Canal

One of my hobbies when I would visit Phnom Penh during my last term was to walk around the city. It is not a gentrified city, instead the poor live in makeshift homes squeezed into any free bit of land they can find. They live there until the land is sold out from under them,…

Our Trip from Pennsylvania to Phnom Penh

We were given a ride to the airport by a very interesting young Mennonite from Paraguay. He was volunteering for a year with MCC’s meat canner and planned to enter seminary on his return home. Originally, he was drawn to working as a Missionary in Nepal but had since felt called to the Low German…

Safely in Phnom Penh

We hope to write a longer post about our trip soon but I wanted to put up a quick one letting everyone know that we arrived safely in Phnom Penh yesterday. The flights went well – even the 14 hour one – though the transfer at Hong Kong was the worst I’ve had in my…

First Flights

We will soon be boarding American Airlines Flight 772 to Los Angeles. We are scheduled to arrive around 11:30PM. Our flight to Hong Kong is scheduled to depart at 1:30AM and we have to switch from domestic to international, so we probably won’t have time for an update then. You can track our flight to…


Last week we had a meditative devotion on Matthew 5:13-16. Throughout the service the verse on “the salt of the earth” was read several times and we were asked us to reflect on “saltiness.” You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make…

The Welcoming Place

Late this afternoon, after several hours of last minute packing and repacking, we set off for Akron Pennsylvania. We’re staying in the Americas House at Mennonite Central Committee’s Welcoming Place. It’s been 13 years but it’s just as peaceful as I remember. Tomorrow we start Orientation with Mennonite Central Committee.

Care & Share Thrift Shoppes

Over the last four months we have slowly been downsizing everything we own to a few suitcases, some storage tubs, and a couple pieces of furniture. That’s meant donating a lot of our belongings to thrift stores. Today I took a load of our belongings to the Care & Share Thrift Shoppes in Souderton Pennsylvania…


Today we went to a travel clinic recommended by our Pediatrician to get the vaccinations for our move. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the following for visits to Cambodia: All Travelers: Measles and Routine Vaccinations Most Travelers: Hepatitis A and Typhoid Some Travelers: Hepatitis B, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria*, and Rabies. *There is…

Last Day at Peaceful Living

This morning I ran out to the store around 5:30AM to pick up ingredients for stuffed bitter melon. When I stepped outside I saw a rainbow in the sky. The angle of the dawn on the morning mist was just right. What a sign as today was my last day at Peaceful Living. I have…