COVID-19: July 2021 Update

Like Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia was fortunate during the first year of the pandemic but is now facing the kind of spread that was seen in most other countries. The daily cases have become stuck around 800 -1000 since July 1st, which may not sound like much, but considering we were having around 30 –…

Catherine wins Catan

Catherine is starting to legitimately win when playing board games. And she loves it. (So do I.) The first game that she surprised us by winning without any outside aid or anyone holding back was Ticket to Ride First Journey. But she’s now graduated to winning Settlers of Catan. On a sidenote: we’ve been thinking…

ស្រការ​នាគ | Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit, or Pitahaya, is a tropical fruit indigenous to the Americas that is grown widely in Southeast Asia. It gets it’s draconic moniker from it’s colorful exterior, the mildly sweet fruit has a gentle flavor that’s somewhere between a kiwi and pear. It’s nice and refreshing when served chilled after lunch or dinner. Dragon…

Rural Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Interethnic Communities

I wanted to share some snippets of the grant proposal that we submitted at the end of June. It’s not the full proposal, that’s 20 pages long with around 40 supporting documents, but just a short snippet on the proposed project. As I mentioned in the previous post, this brings two of our local partners…

Grant Proposal Process

Last year we submitted a concept paper for an external grant to fund a rural development project in the Northeast and after a few months of sparse communication thought that we hadn’t gotten it. Then, at the end of the May, we were invited to submit a full proposal that combined that concept paper and…

Dr. Sunil Chatterjee

On June 8th we learned that Dr. Sunil Chatterjee passed away due to COVID-19 on May 7, 2021. Dr. Chatterjee served in Cambodia from 1985 to 1986 at the Prey Veng Provincial Hospital and Neak Leung Hospital. Please pray for India because of the incredible loss and suffering caused by COVID-19 there. In the 1980s,…

COVID-19: Second Dose

I’d been holding out for our vaccination cards but as they’ve been delayed I thought I’d go ahead and share the good news. The day before Catherine’s 4th birthday we went for our second dose of COVID-19 vaccine at a local primary school. It was a much faster process than the first dose, which involved…

Catherine’s 4th Birthday

It’s strange to look at photos from when we moved here in 2019 and realize how small Catherine was! She’s so big and strong now. She’s also four as of Saturday! I can hardly believe how fast my girls are growing up. After school on Thursday, Charlotte and I made a chocolate cake for Catherine’s…

Come back to the trunk, Charlotte.

Yesterday I had to run over to the office – which is just three houses down from us now – and when I came back I saw Rosie on the second story balcony looking into our mango tree. I followed her gaze and saw a figure up in the mango tree almost on level with…