Family vacation to Siem Reap

In July 2020, we took a family vacation to Siem Reap province. In Khmer, the name Siem Reap literally means ‘Siam defeated‘ while the Thai refer to the province as ‘Siemmarat‘ which literally means ‘Siam’s territory.‘ Siem Reap is the home of the ruins of the ancient city of Angkor; which was the largest pre-industrial…

Pray for Afghanistan

As you pray for Afghanistan, please include a prayer for MCC Afghanistan and our local partners there. For security reasons I can’t share details but it is a time of immense fear, sorrow, and lamentation. Please also take a moment to remember Glen Lapp, a MCC service worker who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010….

Fishbones and the heart of the Mekong

I developed a dairy allergy in my teenage years. Since then, I’ve often been asked “how do you get your calcium without milk?” Well, calcium is available in many foods with dark leafy greens being of special note. One of my favorite sources of calcium is blackstrap molasses which is a fantastic sugar substitute for…

Best Mosquito Spray Brand Name

Between Dengue and Chikungunya, we’ve developed a healthy interest in keeping mosquitos away. There are few things more satisfying than frying the little bloodsuckers with a mosquito racket but we also use mosquito spray quite a lot. Since COVID-19 disrupted international trade, the brands of mosquito spray available here have been in constant flux and…

Two Year Anniversary

August 10th marked our two year anniversary in Cambodia. I got my dates mixed up and so we celebrated today. Just like last year, we splurged on lactose free ice cream in the mid-afternoon. In 2020, Crystal started us on a daily routine of writing a gratitude for the day on a notecard (you can…

Christopher Dock and Peaceful Education

Our rural primary school education program is making the shift to focus on peaceful education and that’s had me thinking about Christopher Dock. No, no, not Crystal’s high school but the educator for whom it is named. Christopher Dock was a Mennonite educator who taught in the Skippack area from 1718 to 1771 (with a…

Online School is back in session

Last week, Charlotte started second grade… It’s hard to believe that’s true but it is. My little baby is growing up so fast. …and, yesterday, Catherine started Pre-Kindergarten. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, both girls are currently studying online and it will probably be months in the best case scenario before they’re able to study…

Winnie the Pooh and Milk Tea too

There’s a new Milk Tea shop near our house and I couldn’t help but notice that Winnie the Pooh is out promoting it. This might seem like the kind of innocuous copyright infringement that often occurs here but in Asia the combination of Winnie the Pooh and Milk Tea are actually a meaningful political statement….

No visit to the US this year.

We had originally planned to travel back to the US in March of this year for our first home leave. There were many reasons we couldn’t do this in March but they all have the same root cause; as Charlotte has come to say with weary disgust, “because of COVID.” That remains true now as…

Book Review: Cry of the Gecko

Our SALT participant, Andy, who left for home last month left me a copy of Brian Maher’s 2012 book Cry of the Gecko. It’s an accounting of Christian Mission in Cambodia and documents a lot of precious history that would easily be lost otherwise. MCC is mentioned more than a few times (including a recounting…