TADA! Electric Tuk Tuk made in Cambodia!

When I lived here from 2006 to 2009, it was easy to get a moto taxi or tuk-tuk…but you’d have to hope they knew where you wanted to go and negotiate a price beforehand to avoid paying a hefty foreigner increase. It was quite normal back then to get someone who answered “oh yes, I…

Youtube: Introduction to Mennonite Central Committee

Our Peace Coordinator shared a Youtube video from MCC that explains the organization’s background, work, and supports. I appreciate the in-depth look at the thrift stores and material resource centers in North America that support MCC’s work around the world. It also features a photo from me back in 2009 – the team here couldn’t…

Flowers of Cambodia 2022

One of the blog posts that I have yet to write is about our January 2022 trip to Battambang province. We went for an engagement ceremony but got to see the sights while we were there including many, many beautiful flowers. In the latest entry of my Flowers of Cambodia series, I’m sharing some flower…

Ren Reasey’s mobile phone repair shop

Mennonite Central Committee funds an apprenticeship vocational program facilitated by our long term partner ODOV. Last month I visited one graduate of the program who started a mobile phone repair shop in his home village. Our supervisors, the Area Directors, were along for the visit as they were in Cambodia for the first time since…

Sharing Food Together

In the New Testament, we often see Jesus breaking bread to share with the disciples and others. There’s something powerful about sharing food in community. This week, Sokea from the MCC Phnom Penh office is out in Prey Veng at our field visit helping with some work and the Prey Veng team has been sending…

Voltra Electric Motos

Last August I shared that MCC Cambodia was planning to purchase locally manufactured electric motos in a budget neutral by selling our old gasoline motos. The new electric are more affordable than gas motos and, additionally, being made in Cambodia do not have an import tax pushing the cost higher. So we were able to…

CCC 32nd Annual General Meeting

Yesterday I attended the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia’s 32nd annual general meeting. It was an all day event and I was able to attend in person for the first time in a long time. The CCC is Cambodia’s oldest and largest NGO networking group. MCC was a founder member of the CCC back in 1990,…

Impacts of climate change in Mondulkiri province

I wanted to share this story that was written by one of our YAMEN participants, Jacksha from Malawi, who is working with our local partner the Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT). She had a wonderful time traveling out to Mondulkiri province, which is in the northeast highlands, to meet with the farmer in the story…

Some photos of Catherine being a big girl

Now we’re looking ahead to Catherine’s birthday in May and realizing that she’s turning the same age that Charlotte was when she moved here. There’s definitely some COVID-19 time dilation going on because it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. In any case, I wanted to share some photos of Catherine’s final months as…

The Season of Lent

For Lent this year, both Crystal and I have gone on a social media fast. You won’t be seeing us on Facebook or Twitter, unless we need to hop on for work, but instead we’re trying to redirect the time and energy we usually spend on social media towards God. At least that’s the intention….