Yesterday, a magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan killing at least 9 people and injured more than 900 people. The quake was followed by over 100 aftershocks, further damaging infrastructure and buildings as well as causing landslides.

I wanted to share an update on the earthquake from the Mennonite Christian Hospital in Hualien, near the epicenter. This hospital came out of the medical work in Taiwan that began with MCC in 1948 and was transferred to Mission Board in 1956. The familial connection is that Grandma June, Crystal’s paternal Grandmother, was originally part of the MCC “mountain medical team” project.
April 3, 2024 7:58 am.
This is the time when many of our colleagues at Mennonite Hospital first come to work in the morning. There was a violent shaking and an alarm sound coming from the mobile phones. The Mennonite Hospital experienced this magnitude 7.2 earthquake. Soon there will be the sound of ambulances continues to arrive. The Hospital also initiated a large number of patient mobilization operations. Hospital colleagues follow daily drills and quickly mobilized personnel and resources to deal with emergencies.
The engineering team also immediately recruited engineering technicians to assess the status of hospital structures. The building construction is assessed as safe although there was damage to some equipment and water pipes. However, this does not affect our provision of various medical services and examinations.
Thanks to the many Mennonite donors and Mennonite Friends. They immediately sent messages and greetings of concern. Although there are currently strong aftershocks but our medical and logistics team will continue to protect every patient who needs medical care.
Thank you all for your concern, prayers and blessings.
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Please keep Taiwan in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for this first hand update, grateful for the presence of God’s people and trained servants organized to help others during this difficult time.
Glen and June met when she was a nurse and he lead the group of medical workers among the mountain tribes. Later they married in Taiwan. They did a lot of amazing work there.