This morning we celebrated Crystal’s Birthday during the closing day of the Khmer New Year holiday. It has been hot so we already had the pool set up for the holiday. We invited some of the team over to swim in the pool, play games, and eat cake.

Crystal has been spending a lot of time with the Seek cohort, leading lessons and connecting with them about their experience, so it was really fun to have them over for her birthday. More so, it was just fun for Crystal to be able to have time to play games without Caleb demanding her attention. He helped me bake the cake while the girls and Crystal got into the games with our guests.

Our YAMEN participant from Bangladesh, Prantosh, had a great time playing Wizard with Crystal, Sabrina, and Garret. Prantosh has started a Chess club at his placement and it was really fun to have some more competitive game playing as well.

Heart of Crown
The girls got Crystal a lovely green and white rug for her birthday. They didn’t know this but a rug was on her wish list. It was a good day.