No, not our little Caleb. Caleb Schrock-Hurst was the final SALT participant in Việt Nam before MCC Vietnam closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. He actually wrote the book on MCC Vietnam for the program’s 65th Anniversary. I met him when I traveled to Hanoi in January 2020 to attend an education conference and then we hosted him in Cambodia later that month when he came to interview MCC Vietnam alumni, Max Ediger.

We’ve had a few other interactions with Caleb since and have really appreciated his commitment to Anabaptism and the Church. Yesterday I spotted a notice that Caleb and his wife Stephanie will be serving as missionaries in Hualien, Taiwan at the Mennonite Christian Hospital with Mennonite Mission Network.

As I’ve mentioned before this hospital came out of the medical work in Taiwan that began with MCC in 1948 and which was then transferred to the Mennonite Board of Missions in 1956. The familial connection is that Grandma June, Crystal’s paternal Grandmother, was originally part of the MCC “mountain medical team” project in Taiwan.

Caleb and Stephanie will support the capacity of Mennonite Christian Hospital (MCH) in Hualien, Taiwan. Their efforts will involve:
- mentoring middle management and nursing staff
- helping all staff improve English language skills
- providing discipleship
- engaging in outreach activities
- connecting with Anabaptist-Mennonite communities in Hualien
Caleb and Stephanie will play a pivotal role in rebuilding the relationship between Mission Network and MCH in a holistic witness and people-to-people exchange program.
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Home Congregation: Daniel’s Run Peace Church in Fairfax, VA
Please consider following or supporting the Schrock-Hursts as you feel lead as they begin their ministry in Taiwan.
Great! Glad the work is continuing.