A couple of weeks ago I received a message from MCC Canada asking us to update our family photo. It was taken a little over five years ago during MCC Orientation in Akron, Pennsylvania.

Catherine and Charlotte were so cute back then! It’s amazing how much they’ve grown up. Of course Caleb is the big update.

If you’ve been counting the years you probably notice that we didn’t return home in July 2024 on our original end of service date. We have agreed to extend our term for another two years with MCC Cambodia.

We don’t know what our future plans are yet. We feel very much like this is where God wants us to be now but in the future we don’t know if we’ll stay even longer with MCC Cambodia, move on to another MCC country program, return to the United States, or do something else entirely. There are so many factors to consider but, in the end, we need to sit in quiet prayer and discernment.

For now, we feel blessed to be here and hope that our presence is also a blessing.