In 2021, I shared a post following the journey of a Mango from Flower to Fruit. I couldn’t quite go as in-depth here, because I don’t grow pineapple at my house, but I thought you might be interested in seeing a pineapple in it’s early stages followed by the same pineapple near harvest. I took these photos on visits to Mok Samun’s farm several months apart.

Cambodians treat pineapple as both a vegetable and a fruit. Pineapple is just as likely to appear in stir-fries and soups as on a fruit platter.

Fresh Cambodian pineapple is some of the most delicious that I’ve ever made and, definitely, some of the cheapest pineapple that I’ve ever had. So it’s an easy buy at the local market.
I also love watching Cambodians pit a pineapple. They are so incredibly fast and accurate! It always felt too awkward to film them myself but it turns out there are quite a few videos on youtube.
Yumm! There’s nothing quite like a fresh local pineapple!
It is wonderful!
Thanks, Charles. Definitely very cool!!
It’s good to hear from you, Penny! I hope that you’re doing well.