Last month during our team visit to Prey Veng province we visited Isaac, our SALT participant, who is living with a Khmer host family there and working at ODOV. Isaac is a recent graduate in Environmental Science from Eastern Mennonite University and is supporting ODOV as the Climate Resilience Assistant.

Isaac’s host family in Mesang are a second generation host family; his host mom was host sister to MCC’s second SALT participant, Andy, back in the late 1990s. Isaac’s host is in front of his host grandfather’s house, which is where Andy lived during his term over twenty years ago.

Isaac, his host family, and our other SALT/YAMEN participants pose for a photo. The grandfather in the center was MCC Cambodia’s second host dad back in the late 1990s.

Charlotte enjoyed taking off her shoes and walking down the muddy roads in Mesang. She’s done her best in Phnom Penh but she isn’t a city girl.

Isaac’s host family made this wonderful lunch for the team while we were out visiting.

Sondobi, a YAMEN participant from Tanzania, saying hello to one of the cows that lives under Isaac’s house.

The girls relaxing on hammocks during the after-lunch nap period. Like many tropical countries, Cambodia has a siesta time during the hottest hours of the day.

Catherine following the ducks around while I shout to her, “Don’t walk behind the cow!” During the US and China led 1980s embargo, only India and the Soviet bloc recognized Cambodia. Muscovy ducks are one legacy of this short lived period.

You can follow Isaac’s time in Cambodia at his blog; A Pinch of Salt. (He takes amazing photos.)
Country living!