Almost time for the Baby

Last night Crystal started having intense contractions – distinct from the usual braxton hicks contractions – and we thought it was time. So we quickly prepared everything, borrowed the MCC truck, and loaded up to leave. We were worried because Crystal and I still have this respiratory infection. Labor is hard enough when you can breath properly. I can take medicine but Crystal’s options are limited.

Crystal’s mom, Rose, called in the middle of this to ask if she was having the baby yet. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa were having some sympathy pains and thought it might be a sign. It was, in a way.

But then, after about two hours, the contractions abruptly stopped. Crystal was exhausted and quickly went to sleep, only to be woken by coughing bouts throughout the night.

Phuong from our partner BCV and Crystal talking about the pregnancy last week.

So, the baby will be coming any time now. It could be today, tonight, tomorrow. We’re in the zone now.

Please pray that Crystal’s illness abates, for a easy labor and delivery, and for a healthy baby and mom.

18 Comments Add yours

  1. Emma says:

    You got it son!! 😘πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    You’ll have to change your name to the 5 C’s πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Charles says:

      Thanks Grandmom! I’ll update the tag line but changing the actual url is…complicated. I’m sure he won’t mind.

  2. Dawn Derstine says:

    Praying for health for you all–but especially Crystal and your precious baby.

  3. Homer Wood says:

    Thanks for the update. Sending prayers . Homer

  4. Praying for you all. May God give you peace and strength in this time.

    1. Charles says:

      Thank you! We’re thinking of you too!

  5. Lori Wise says:

    Praying for peace and health for all –

    1. Charles says:

      Thank you, Lori!

  6. Glenda Landis says:

    My prayers added. Looking forward with the Conklins –

  7. ROSE GRABER says:

    Love and prayers are with you all. How about Celery Dan! Lol!

    1. Charles says:

      Thanks Grandma! For the love and prayers, not sure about Celery as a name suggestion…

  8. Sherry says:

    Prayers sent for all (5!) of you!

    1. Charles says:

      Thank you, Sherry!

  9. Naomi Dublanica says:

    Praying for you all, especially Crystal and the baby!

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