Every year (when there aren’t COVID-19 gathering restrictions) we host the Cambodian YAMEN and IVEP alumni at our home. This also includes the current SALT and YAMEN participants serving in Cambodia, as well as the outbound Cambodian IVEP/YAMEN participants who will be leaving in July.

This isn’t just a social gathering – though it’s wonderful to meet up with so many amazing individuals – but serves as an opportunity for the alumni to give advice to the next class of outgoing Cambodian IVEP/YAMEN participants and to the current class of inbound SALT/YAMEN participants.
The Agenda
- Opening: Speech from MCC Representative
- Ice Breaker Games
- Group Discussion
- YAMEN/SALT: Share one of the greatest challenges of living/working in Cambodia.
- Outgoing YAMEN/IVEP: Share one of your greatest fears of going out to serve with MCC?
- Alumni Questions
- Looking back at your term with MCC, is there anything you wish you had done differently?
- Any recommendations or advice for the outgoing YAMEN/IVEPers and current SALT/YAMENers?
- How does the program help you grow when you come back?

YAMEN (Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network), SALT (Serving And Learning Together), and IVEP (International Volunteer Exchange Program) are 11-month-long immersive cross-cultural experiences for young adults and build up the global church. Participants travel from their passport country to a new context where they live with a local host family, attend a local church, and volunteer at a local organization. YAMEN is supported jointly by MCC and Mennonite World Conference.
What’s the difference between these programs? It’s primarily the sending and receiving countries.
– SALT is USA/Canada to anywhere else in the world.
– YAMEN is anywhere in the world except US/Canada to anywhere in the world except US/Canada.
– IVEP is anywhere in the world except US/Canada to US/Canada.
Yes, that’s a little confusing and I’ve been asking MCC to consider to merging them into one program.
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