Hot Season with a Newborn

Caleb was born during an atypical hot season week, with cool breezes and 80 degree days.  In Cambodian tradition, we were actually able to dress him head to toe in cozy clothes.  This not only allowed us to sidestep the constant unsolicited advice from all Cambodians that he needs to be covered all the time,…

Raise the Anti-Mosquito Fortifications!

Last year we meet with some wonderful Lutheran missionaries who spent many years in Hanoi before moving to Phnom Penh and who had gotten to know the Mennonite Central Committee Vietnam team quite well. When they saw Charlotte wearing a MCC shirt at a churchgoer’s birthday party they immediately connected with us. Later, when we…

5 Year Program Review Team

Ideally, every MCC country program in the world should undergo a Program Review every five years. This doesn’t always happen due to instability, conflict, or other disruptions. Cambodia was scheduled for a Program Review in 2020 but it ended up being delayed for three years due to the pandemic. The Program Review is an opportunity…