100 Mangoes

The MCC Cambodia office was closed on Monday in observance of the Easter holiday. Normally we would have had Friday off but we already had Friday off for the national Khmer New Year holiday. Crystal spent her day off picking 100 mangoes from the trees around our courtyard. The ripe ones that we didn’t immediately…

Cultural differences between Cambodia and North America

In our exchange program files I came across a document on cultural differences between Cambodia and North America. It was written by a former Cambodian staff – in the Connecting Peoples Coordinator role – for a specific situation and I’ve rewritten it to remove the specifics. I wanted to share it here as a Cambodian’s…

Khmer New Year 2022

To paraphrase the artist formerly known as Prince, “So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 2,565.” That’s right. This week is Khmer New Year, celebrating the start of the 2,566th year of the Buddhist Era. In Thailand, the official calendar is BE and you might be surprised to see your phone automatically shift from 2019…

Passover at International Christian Fellowship

As the COVID-19 situation in Cambodia has improved we’ve been able to start attending in-person church again and have started attending the English language International Christian Fellowship. Before COVID-19 broke out we were attending Khmer language churches and we plan to get back to that as well, fortunately ICF meets in the afternoons so that…

Cambodian Prime Minster condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine

Historically, Cambodia has been the victim of proxy wars between nations such as Thailand, Viet Nam, France, Japan, China, U.S.S.R., and the United States. In the 1940s, King Norodom Sihanouk negotiated a bloodless end to the Japanese occupation of Cambodia and peaceful independence from France. In the decade that followed Cambodia emerged as a bright…

Update from Myanmar: April 2022

I wanted to share an update from a check-in earlier this week with one of our partners in Myanmar. I am not including our partner’s names for safety reasons and have removed any specific details that might identify them. I’m also not including the details of their current MCC project. I might share this in…

TADA! Electric Tuk Tuk made in Cambodia!

When I lived here from 2006 to 2009, it was easy to get a moto taxi or tuk-tuk…but you’d have to hope they knew where you wanted to go and negotiate a price beforehand to avoid paying a hefty foreigner increase. It was quite normal back then to get someone who answered “oh yes, I…