Yesterday I had to run over to the office – which is just three houses down from us now – and when I came back I saw Rosie on the second story balcony looking into our mango tree. I followed her gaze and saw a figure up in the mango tree almost on level with the third story floor. The figure was leaning precariously out on a limb towards our neighbor’s yard.
Charlotte. My heart skipped a beat. On our last call with my Mom she’d told the kids the classic story of how my older brother, Jeremy, put me in a sweetgum tree when I was three years old and then I proceeded to climb nearly to the top. I didn’t think it was an inspirational tale at the time but it immediately came to mind as I stood there. My mind raced as I started towards the tree, saying as calmly as I could, “Come back to the trunk, Charlotte.” I spent most of my youth in trees and I’m still a pretty good climber, the problem is that I weigh a lot more now. I was ready to climb up and get Charlotte, but worried that I’d actually make it worse. What to do. Reaching the trunk, I looked up and the figure was still leaning precariously out on the limb. What was she doing? Why wasn’t she listening? I repeated firmly, “Come back to the trunk, Charlotte. Then slowly come down.”
Then I heard laughter from the second floor balcony. I looked up to the two figures there and heard, “That’s not Charlotte.”

I looked again. It wasn’t Charlotte. It was our landlord gathering mangos. I felt relieved, embarrassed, and – as usual – impressed by our grandfatherly landlord’s physical prowess. I was also still terrified that he was going to fall so I went instead where I couldn’t see. (But then came out on the second floor balcony to take a quick photo.)
Wowzers!!! What a huge relief!!!
Yes, my stomach always did flip flops when you boys were climbing trees. Jeremy, of course, had to hang upside down!
Oh my! So glad it wasn’t Charlotte!
Me too! I’m not sure what I would have done. Don’t think the mango tree could support this old weight but I wasn’t about to stand there idly either.