One morning this week Charlotte and Catherine were downstairs on the second floor playing when an unexpected visitor appeared on our balcony. It was a rather large monkey which knocked over our mango picker and then fled the scene of the crime.
While monkeys are certainly common in Cambodia it’s rare to see them wandering around Phnom Penh where they usually stick close to sanctuaries like pagodas. This is the first time that we’ve seen monkeys in our neighborhood since we moved here. We think that the same monkey was hanging out near our Peace Coordinator’s apartment the day before (which is where the photos came from) but we don’t know where it came from before then.
Wild monkeys are actually very dangerous and this was quite a large one. We’re glad that the girls were safely inside when it visited our balcony and that there was no direct contact with it.

What a relief to know the mango picker is safe!
How exciting and fun to have an interesting visitor, however, I feel happy and relieved that there was no contact.
Great video!!!
Two monkeys came through this afternoon. I’m afraid that, for now, we’re part of their route from here to there. I have nothing against them, personally, but I wish they’d take a different route. All of our Cambodian friends keep on telling us monkey attack horror stories so… I’m glad we have a protective guard dog downstairs and we’re keeping the upstairs doors bolted!
By come through, I mean that they come across the street on the electric lines to the neighbor’s trees, then over into our trees and cross our balcony, and then back into the trees before disappearing over the landlord’s roof. I am curious what they’re up to.
Wow,so interesting! I enjoyed the interview with Catherine.
Thanks for commenting! She’s a real charmer on camera. 🙂