Shopping with the girls at the local market

During our first few months in Cambodia I was taking the girls to shop at the local market but once COVID-19 broke I started to avoid the market crowds in favor of our local grocery shop (which is run out of a family’s house). This wasn’t a waste as the girls started coming with me to the local shop and we made good relationships there, especially once Charlotte became responsible for buying the fruit.

Last month, Crystal started taking the girls to shop at the local market and I’ve started coming along too. While we still frequent our little local grocery shop, there’s nothing quite like shopping at the local market.

It’s a great place to practice language and get to know people. Last year, I found out that one of the vendors was from Pea Reang district, Prey Veng province which is one of the areas where I managed projects during my last term. That’s the kind of connection that fun to make at the local market.

Girls loved watching this machine make coconut milk.

The local market also has so much more variety than our little local grocery shop – it’s a lot of fun to explore if you don’t mind the crowds.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol L Ferenchak says:

    Beautiful pictures and connections

  2. Rose says:

    Markets are awesome!!! Love that your family can use them again. What a rich and full life!!

  3. Glenda Landis says:

    Very interesting!

  4. Emma says:

    ❤ sounds like fun adventures.

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