
I’ve been feeling increasingly under the weather this week with a sensation like the chills and aching muscle/joint pain. I thought I was stiff from taking the girls to school/study group on the moto everyday (they’re not small anymore) but yesterday afternoon I broke out in a fever and very quickly a rash spread across…

Our Avian visitors

This morning we had a call scheduled with “Uncle” Lance and as we were about to start the video chat there was a whoosh from our coconut tree. Of course we thought back to our simian visitors a few months ago and rushed to close the doors upstairs…but there we saw that our visitors were…

Shopping with the girls at the local market

During our first few months in Cambodia I was taking the girls to shop at the local market but once COVID-19 broke I started to avoid the market crowds in favor of our local grocery shop (which is run out of a family’s house). This wasn’t a waste as the girls started coming with me…

Catherine can now eat a full bowl of Kuy Teav by herself

Two years ago I gave you an introduction to គុយទាវ, or Kuy Teav, the iconic Khmer rice noodle soup. It’s a traditional soup known throughout the region by various names including Hủ Tiếu in Viet Nam, Kway Teow in Malaysia, and Kuai Tiao in Thailand. I’m writing today to give you a quick but very…