Last week I had my first meeting with a local NGO in rural Prey Veng province, the Female Disabled Federation. We are hoping that this will be a new partner for MCC Cambodia working with people with disabilities in the countryside.
Our Connecting Peoples Coordinator, Clivia, and Rural Education Coordinator, Maly, were the first to connect with PVFDF. They conducted a partner appropriateness meeting with them in September and I wanted to meet with them as a follow-up. We are hoping to place a SALT/YAMEN volunteer with them in 2021.
If you’ve heard me mention Veterans International or Ull Meng Hour, this is a spin-off NGO of VI that he helped start. He’s still connected with them as an adviser but, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to meet him on this trip.
Sounds like something you could easily understand. Great mcc involvement!