On Day 6 in Cambodia (yesterday), I got out into the countryside on my first field visit to see Chhourn Maly at work. This visit was at the Kraing Kaet Primary School. I was the initial Partner Adviser for the education program in Prey Veng during my first term with MCC and it’s exciting to see how far the program has come since I was last involved with it ten years ago.
Maly leading
tablet assisted learningKraing Kaet
Primary SchoolPrimary School classroom Chhourn Maly and her assistant, Raksa Kraing Kaet Teachers with Maly
The original focus of the education program in Prey Veng had been on basic needs. The main activity was providing breakfast to the students – it may not sound like a lot but for impoverished families this could make the difference between sending children into the fields to work and sending them to school. In the years since then this has really become a peace building program with an emphasis on nonviolent teaching methods and building strong community involvement. The program still provides breakfast for schools in impoverished communities but is also coaching teachers, working directly in classrooms, piloting tablet assisted learning, and strengthening school support committees.
I’m already looking forward to my next field visit to this program.
Really happy that they have worked hard to create a non-violent atmosphere at school and provide them with breakfast.
Yes! Peace in education is slow and difficult work, but it’s so important.
I’m so glad for the non-violent approach to teaching…in so many counties they still use the whip and yelling….I remember Jamaica when we were there. What a challenge!
Most education here is rote memorization with punishment for incorrect answers. It’s been a challenge for service workers exposed to this kind of casual violence. Maly has a gentle but strong rapport with the teachers, she’s slowly but sustainably changing the culture.
I so regret never having visited here! I know they were overjoyed to see you.
Susie, we’d be glad to host you with field visits included anytime. 🙂 Ruth Keidel Clemens has floated the idea of a reunion around Mennonite World Conference in 2021 to celebrate MCC Cambodia’s 40th anniversary.
I read with great interest your postings. Even though I don’t reply to all of them, be assured that I follow your adventures with great interest.
Keep up the good work. Homer