This morning I attended Phnom Penh Mennonite while Crystal took the girls to New Life Fellowship. Arthur and Phyllis, the Area Directors/our supervisors, came with me to Phnom Penh Mennonite and we met the five new YAMEN/SALT participants there along with one of the Exchange Coordinators, Phillip.
The service format was greetings/introductions, three songs, three testimonies, scripture, sermon, another song, prayers, announcements, and closing prayer. We had a fellowship meal/pot luck afterwards.


Pastor Mades Meas preached on the importance of “Participation in a Church fellowship” and translated key messages from the sermon on the fly for the non-Khmer speakers in the audience.

Sunday School

MCC Connections
Pastor Mades Meas and his wife Sopheary are both MCC IVEP alumni. Sopheary was the first IVEP participant from Cambodia almost 20 years ago. One of the Church Elders was another IVEP participant who I mock interviewed (preparing him for the Visa interview at the US embassy) back in 2007 – I must have made an impression because he recognized me!
Malin Yem is a regular member at Phnom Penh Mennonite. She just completed a year with MCC’s YAMEN program in Haiti. It was wonderful to introduce the incoming SALT and YAMEN participants to a recent YAMEN alumni.

Also, I didn’t know until this morning but the Cook at the MCC Office, Sreymom, is a member at Phnom Penh Mennonite.
In a wonderful act of hospitality, several Church members quietly and quickly changed seats so they could translate for the non-Khmer speaking visitors.

This is just so amazing to be a part of change and fellowship like this is just awesome and every time you share it fills me up. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing; very interesting. Homer
It was interesting to read & see photos about your visit to Phnom Penh Mennonite as I am preparing in to attend Plains Mennonite this morning in our pavillion. Blessings & Love –
Really enjoyed reading about your experience at church. Great photos and captions.
Found your post very interesting and uplifting.