Over the weekend Crystal noticed that Leena had a tick between the toes of her paw. She tried to remove it but wasn’t successful. I don’t remember ticks in Prey Veng last term but, then, Prey Veng had roving bands of chickens. We looked up the name of Leena’s veterinarian and made plans to take her.
Today, Leena started to chew on her paw and it got a bit bloody. When she got to veterinarian they removed three ticks from her paw and gave her a fresh dose of dice/flea medicine. She did just have a dose back in June and one of the ticks on her paw was already dead, so it was probably still in effect…the ticks just got her at a sensitive spot. We think she got the ticks from Lucy, the dog at the office, and plan to take her for treatment as well.
We were delighted to discover that Leena’s veterinary clinic is the Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society (PPAWS). This is a cool NGO that operates the clinic in Phnom Penh as a way to augment their funding for animal rights work (specifically dog and cat rights) in the countryside. Check out their website – https://www.ppaws.com/
Looks like you are taking good care of her.
First, Leena is a beautiful dog…she looks like a VGG, a very good girl! Never would I have ever dreamed there would be an animals right program in Cambodia! Wonderful!!