For the North American readers, have you ever chewed Juicy Fruit gum? Did you ever wonder what the juicy fruit was? It’s Jackfruit – which isn’t that juicy but which has a sticky resin.

We have a small Jackfruit tree at the office that recently had some ripe fruits. The office day guard – who loves gardening – was proud to share some with us and tell us that it was ‘all natural.’
The Jackfruit from the office was delicious but a bit on the small side. Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world so I wanted a photo to show you it at full size. I found a wagon selling Jackfruit from Kampong Cham province and stopped to take a photo so you can see the scale. I bought a kilogram for 10,000 riel (approximately $2.50 USD).
I think Heather brought some to small group over the summer. I remember the juicy fruit taste.